, both of them are τ-independent, that is, no
reference to the gaseous composition of the atmosphere nor to the lapse
rate, simply a consequence of the geometry:
In this notation,
Eq. (1) Surface (SW down – SW up + LW down – LW up) = TOA LW
244.06 – 29.74 + 316.27 – 398.40 = 265.59/2 – 0.605 Wm-2
The equation is valid with a difference of 0.605 Wm-2.
Eq. (2) Surface (SW down – SW up + LW down) = 2 × TOA LW up
244.06 – 29.74 + 316.27 = 2 × 265.59 – 0.59 Wm-2
The equation is valid with a difference of 0.59 Wm-2.
The accepted value of Earth's energy imbalance was 0.58 Wm-2 in that time.
The precise validity of the glass-shell Eq. (2) on different CERES EBAF data products:
SYN1deg SFC Ed4 has a TOA flux adjustment of -4.2 Wm-2,
this is the accuracy of the equation:

EBAF Ed2.8 was adjusted to a net planetary imbalance of 0.58 Wm-2,
this is the accuracy of the equation:

Now the greenhouse effect:
G = Surface LW up – TOA LW up = 398.40 – 265.59 = 132. 81 Wm-2.
g = G/SFC LW up = 132.81 / 398.40 = 0.33336.
g(geometry) = 1/3.
We are not aware of any similar accuracy in climate science.
To our gratest surprise, Earth follows the simplest model of Fourier's greenhouse, and its basic structure is defined by that pane-of-glass geometry.
Greenhouse gases seem to play an executive rather than a decisive role:
they have to implement and maintain what is required by the principles.
The best fit for the ratios:
ΔA : A
0 : E : A = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
ΔA : A
0 : E : A = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 =
5 : 10 : 15 : 20
1 = 26.68 ± 0.01 Wm-2
With this, the theoretical geometric clear-sky greenhouse effect is
G =
5 = 133.40 Wm-2.
10 = 266.80 Wm-2
15 = 400.20 Wm-2
Observing that
1 = LWCRE,
g(clear-sky) = 1/3 = 5/15, g(LWCRE) = 1/15, we have g(all-sky) = 6/15 = 0.4,
and OLR(sll-sky) =
9 = 240.12 Wm-2.
g(all-sky) = 0.4 is confirmed by the IPCC WGI AR6 (2022) Fig. 7.2 with an unprecedented accuray:

No deviation, no enhancement. Theory (glass-plate geometry) does not refer to GHGs.
Fine-tuning the model: All-sky equations:

Verifying the all-sky equations on CERES EBAF Ed4.1 (April 2000 - March 2022) data:

Individual deviation is less than ±3 Wm-2; the four equations together have a mean bias of 0.0007 Wm-2.
The fine-tuned "Fourier" glass-shield geometry:

The complete extended geometric "Fourier"

TOA extension from geometric deduction vs EBAF:

Eq. (3) and (4), all-sky versions of the original clear-sky net and total,
are confirmed by the most recent GEWEX (2023, BAMS) research
with the exemplary accuracy of 0.1 Wm-2:
of the geometric deduction (taking into account that the Earth's
atmosphere is not completely SW-transparent nor perfectly LW-opaque)
given above.
and the interplay of clear and cloudy regions to create an effectively
IR-opaque (glass-shell-like) atmosphere by the help of LWCRE
will be discussed below.
us assume, we have a wonderful instrument measuring the all-sky global
mean Atmospheric LW Cooling as 186.76 Wm-2, or the clear-sky surface
net LW as 80.04 Wm-2. We know from the integer system that the former
is 7 units, the latter is 3 units; or we may have any of the components. From these, we would know for sure that 1 unit is 26.68 Wm-2.Let us allow a ± 0.01 Wm-2 uncertainty.
Then what we have to do is to fit TSI to the UNIT:TSI =
51 = 51 × 26.68 ± 0.01 = 1360.68 ± 0.5 Wm-2 in spherical weighting
51 = 51 × 26.68 × (4.0034/4) = 1361.84 ± 0.5 Wm-2 in geodetic weighting.
from having accurate measurements of ANY of the internal fluxes, either
all-sky or clear-sky, SW or LW, we can tell very accurate how much
energy MUST arrive from the Sun to maintain that measured flux
To sum-up here:
Imagine the atmosphere is condensed into a single layer, to mimick the pane of glass model of Fourier.
In our realistic case, the layer consists of
three horizontal regions:
- an IR-opaque region from an effective cloud area fraction (9/15 = 0.6),
- an IR-opaque clear-sky region by GHGs (5/15 = 1/3),
- and a transprent clear-sky region (WIN = 1/15).
This setup, with the corresponding ruling principles and the equations describing them,
accurately reproduce the Earth's annual global mean energy flow system.
Science implications.
NASA got it right:


It seems the glasshouse model really works.

We have a wonderfully shielded Earth.

We only wish Gaia knows what She's doing.

It would be great to have a look behind the shield to see the wheels.

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