CERES data
The integer ratios, formerly recognized visually in graphical representations of the global energy flows, are presented here in detail in CERES data products.
The table below shows some latest months from the CERES EBAF Edition 4.2 netCDF file, with the name of the fluxes (in row 265), the mean value of 264 months (row 266), the integer position (row 267), the integer positions's value in Wm-2 (row 268), and the difference of the observed from the theoretical (row 266-268), in row 269. The largest difference at TOA is in SWCRE (1.44 Wm-2), at the surface in total net all-sky, 4.63 Wm-2. Click on the table to enlarge or download. The full MS Excel file is available here.
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