Interpretations, Explanations: G and g
One of the central concepts of the ruling theory is the "enhanced greenhouse effect", The
corresponding values of G today, according to CERES EBAF data: surface
LW emission = 398.40 Wm-2, clear-sky OLR = 265.59 Wm-2, therefore G
(clear-sky) = 398.40 – 265.59 = 132.81 Wm-2; and G(all-sky) =
158.67 Wm-2
Now our geometry, without any referenco to trace-gases, or any atmospheric gaseous
constituents, and without any reference to the
vertical temperature distribution of the atmosphere, as desribed by D. Hartmann (1994) and
K. Trenberth (2022) defines a clear-sky greenhouse factor (the
greenhouse effect normalized to surface emission) as g = 1/3, and in
the all-sky as 0.4:
it can be seen, G(clear) = 15 – 10 = 5 units and g(clear) = 5/15
= 1/3, and in the all-sky, G(all) = 15 – 9 = 6 units, and g(all)
= 6/15 = 0.4.
With CERES data: g(clear) = 132.81 / 398.40 = 0.33336, and g(all) = 0.398.
and Inamdar (2006): "The global average Ga is 131 Wm-2 or the
normalized ga is 0.33, i.e., the atmosphere reduces the energy escaping
to space by 131 Wm-2 (or by a factor of 1/3)."
Their actual ga on
the given GHG constituents is the same as the theoretical geometric
GHG-independent simplest greenhouse model.
us recall here an independent estimate of the clear-sky greenhouse
effect from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL, Princeton)
Model 4 (AM4) from a paper, where they quantify the drivers of the
clear-sky greenhouse effect, and, according to the ruling theory,
assumes its enhancement according to a human factor, without realizing
that their greenhouse effect is identical to the theoretical one:
all-sky greenhouse factor g = 0.3995, according to the latest IPCC
Assessment Report 6 (2021) Fig. 7.2, "representing climate conditions
at the beginning of the 21st century", is indiscernible from the
theoretical g = 0.4:

No deviation, no enhancement.
physical basis for the ruling theory seems to miss the fundamental
observed fact that Earth's atmosphere follows the simplest greenhouse